Middle Way House announces the kickoff of its 50th Anniversary Caring Campaign | WBIW

2022-06-20 18:46:51 By : Ms. Sandy Liu

BLOOMINGTON –  In Indiana, instances of domestic violence fatalities increased 181% during the pandemic. Middle Way House’s services are needed now more than ever as officials work towards eliminating the cycle of violence in our community.

“We have been providing critical, life-saving services to Monroe, Greene, Lawrence, Owen, Morgan, and Martin counties for the past 50 years,” said Patty Moon Communications & Outreach Coordinator. “If we are to continue providing meaningful alternatives to living with violence in our community, we must raise $2 million within the next two years.”

Sustain Our Past: Middle Way House must take care of the buildings that house programs as well as survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Since the RISE! was built in 1997, the 2-year transitional housing program has housed over 568 families and 2900 children to date.

The RISE! needs new windows, new flooring, and a new elevator. New Wings, the main facility, contains the Cindy Houston Emergency Shelter, 24/7 Help & Crisis Line, legal advocates, rape crisis center, Rise & Shine Childcare, support groups, prevention programs, and administrative offices. New Wings is in need of indoor air quality improvements, security upgrades, new windows, and roof repair. The goal is to raise $850,000 to put toward capital improvements so that Middle Way House can ensure clients’ comfort and safety as they work toward rebuilding their lives free of violence.

Support Our Present: Middle Way House provides a myriad of free, life-changing services to survivors and always aims to provide the highest quality of support. Officials are determined to raise $830,000 to support two years of operating budgets. With more security behind our daily operations, Middle Way House will be able to expand our impact and continue to improve services.

Secure our Future: Unfortunately, Middle Way House cannot fully eliminate domestic violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking; however, officials are determined to raise $320,000 to ensure the viability of the organization and continue to provide life-changing services for survivors. Officials hope to allocate $120,000 towards the Toby Strout VOICES (Visualizing Opportunities, Independence, Choices, and Empowerment for Survivors) Fund and increase the Endowment account at the Community Foundation by $200,000. The Endowment gives Middle Way House flexibility through discretionary funds for critical situations, emergencies, and larger maintenance needs.

By donating to the 50th Anniversary Caring Campaign, you are saving lives while empowering survivors to thrive. Officials are so grateful for any and all contributions and hope you will consider helping Middle Way House provide meaningful alternatives to living with violence by making a donation to their campaign today.

If you are interested in contributing to the campaign, you can donate online through middlewayhouse.org/donate, mail a check to PO Box 95, or contact the Director of Development at development@middlewayhouse.org for more options.

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